Tin Prices as of 31st July 2024
  • LME Tin 3-month 30056.00
  • LME Tin Aug 24 29881.00
  • LME Tin Oct 24 30026.00
  • LME Tin Nov 24 30091.00
  • LME Tin Dec 24 30116.00
  • LME Tin Jan 25 30092.00


  • 1000+ Tonnes per annum
  • LME Grade A Tin Ingots
  • Metallurgical Laboratory


Woodcross Resources owns and operates 2 Mining Licenses and 4 Exploration Licenses in the Ntungamo & Isingiro districts of Uganda.

  • ML1466:

    ML1466 represents the flagship mining asset for Woodcross Resources. This license is an exciting prospect thanks to the promising results derived from historical exploration completed, rich history of artisanal mining on the license area and surrounding regions as well as access and proximity to high quality infrastructure. Woodcross will look to enhance the production profile of ML1466, which is currently using artisanal mining techniques, through utilizing strategic exploration programs and mechanized mining methods. ML1466 is also within close proximity of the most prolific tin mine in Uganda, ML0762 located in Mweresandhu.

    Location: Ruhama, Ntungamo
    Date Granted: April 2015
    Expiry Date: April 2036
    Acreage: 40 sq KM
    Offtake Agreement: Woodcross Refining Company Ltd
  • ML1433:

    Woodcross Resources acquired ML1433 from African Panther Resources (U) Limited in August 2023. A mature mining license equipped with a high quality processing plant, this site benefits from significant historical exploration data which Woodcross can utilize to boost production levels in a swift and efficient manner. In addition to the empirical availability of trial mining methods on the license area, the previous owners completed a comprehensive drilling program which may be upgraded in the near future by Woodcross. Similar to ML1466, infrastructure is abundant in Kikagati with access to power, water and transportation routes within close proximity.

    Location: Kikagati, Isingiro
    Date Granted: February 2015
    Expiry Date: February 2035
    Acreage: 2 sq KM
    Offtake Agreement: Woodcross Refining Company Ltd
  • Future Exploration Projects:

    Woodcross Resources is committed to expanding its impact and driving value for shareholders through strategic exploration projects. Guided by a forward-looking approach, we continuously identify and assess potential projects that align with our mission and contribute to sustainable development.

    Our board of directors leads this endeavor, ensuring that every exploration opportunity undergoes rigorous evaluation, encompassing geological potential, environmental considerations, and community partnerships. We are dedicated to prioritizing projects that adhere to ethical, responsible mining practices and hold the promise of delivering long-term value. Collaborating with stakeholders, harnessing technological advancements, and embracing sustainability principles, our future exploration projects aim to not only uncover valuable resources but also foster economic growth, community well-being, and environmental stewardship. Through transparent communication and the integration of lessons learned, we are shaping a future that not only benefits Woodcross Resources but also contributes positively to the regions we operate in.


Woodcross Resources is developing a commercial scale tin refining facility which it anticipates launching in Q4-2023. The facility is in Mbarara which is located roughly 44 Km and 47 Km from Woodcross Resources' Mining assets ML1433 and ML1466 respectively. This facility has positioned Woodcross Resources as the only company that can legally export tin products from Uganda. The facility has been sized to reflect the current production profile of the tin mining industry in Uganda. Woodcross Resources intends to increase the capacity of its smelting operations in the medium term, following the execution of production enhancement strategies planned for Woodcross Resources' mining assets.

Location: Ruti, Mbarara
Target Launch Date: Q4-2023
Output Capacity: +1,000 tonnes
Throughput Capacity: +1,600 tonnes
Product Specification: BS EN 610:1996 (London Metal Exchange grade conformant)